Smart Heating
Want to reduce your heating bills? Smart heating can help. It gives you unparalleled control over your heating, letting you get any room temperature just the way you like it, down to the degree. Program your timer and make your heating work according to your schedule with just a few taps of your smartphone.
The Future of Eco-Friendly Heating
With energy prices rising all the time, it’s never been more important to keep an eye on your heating bills. Whether you’ve got an older central heating system or you rely on electric heating, chances are you could be using more energy than you need. By replacing or complementing your existing heating with smart heating, you could dramatically reduce waste energy and slash your bills.
Puts You in Control of Your Heating Bills
Control is key to reducing your heating bills. The more control you have, the easier it is to reduce the amount of energy you waste. After all, why pay for energy you didn’t really need to use? Think about the last time you switched your heating on – did you only heat the rooms you were using? If not, you were likely wasting a lot of energy in heating empty rooms. However, keeping that level of control over your heating isn’t exactly practical – no one wants to spend all evening manually adjusting every radiator in the house according to what rooms they’re using.
Smart heating puts the control into your hands and lets you adjust your heating with a few taps of your smartphone. The models you’ll find above use Wi-Fi, which means you don’t need to be in the same room, building, or even the same country as your heater to control it! As long as your smart device and your heater are connected to the internet, you’ll be able to turn it up, down, or just check how it’s working.
This extra convenience means it’s much more likely that you’ll turn your heater off when it’s not needed. Many smart heaters let you group multiple heaters into zones, so they’ll all work together. This will let you set any room at the push of the button, program timers to work together, and more. If you take full advantage of smart heating, you’ll never need to worry about wasting energy again!
A More Convenient Life
Smart heating makes your life much more convenient. If you’re someone who works regular hours, you’ll appreciate how easy it is to program the timer and get your heating working according to your schedule. For example, if you have a smart heater in the bedroom you can program it to switch on when you go to bed, turn it down or off as you sleep, and switch it back on just in time for you to wake up in the morning.
If you work shifts or you don’t have a set schedule, you’ll find smart heating is a game changer. If you have one of the Wi-Fi models above, you can check and adjust your heating no matter where you are. This means you can program your heating to turn on when you’re on the way home so you can step into a pre-heated kitchen. If you have kids or people at home, you can make sure they’re not tampering with your heating settings, turn them off if they leave and forget the heating is on, and so on. It’ll make your day-to-day life much more convenient!
Safety Modes for Frost Prevention
If you’re a fan of a winter getaway, smart heating is a no-brainer. It’s always a good idea to leave some form of heating on while you’re away in winter to prevent icy weather from freezing pipes. With smart heating, you can fine tune this and monitor when your heating is operating even if you’re sunning yourself on the beaches of Hawaii. As long as you’re connected to the internet, you can turn your heating on, off, up, or down. This gives you the flexibility to respond to the weather back home – if it’s mild and there’s no risk of ice, you don’t need to waste energy on heating at all. If there’s a frosty spell forecast, just turn your heating on at a low level to protect your pipes.
Compatible with Smart Assistants
Some of the models above can be made even more user-friendly if you have a smart assistant, such as Amazon Alexa, in your home. Link this smart device to your heater and you’ll be able to control your heating using your voice! If you have a hectic home life and you always find you have your hands full, this can be a real lifesaver! Make sure you check the listing before buying to make sure your heater supports this.
Seamlessly Fits into Your Smart Home
If you’re tech savvy and already into smart gadgets, then these smart heaters will fit right in! Or, if you’re thinking of upgrading your home with some smart thermostats (such as a Hive), then you can easily add in a compatible smart heater and have them instantly integrate together.
The Perfect Complement to a Smart Meter
Smart meters are growing increasingly common as we all seek to reduce the amount of energy we waste. Smart heaters are much more simple to set up than a smart meter, and they don’t require any specialist installation unless you want to wall-mount them and hardwire them in. If you have a smart meter, then you don’t need to worry about any extra steps to complement them with smart heating. If you have both, you’re well on your way to saving a bundle on your energy bills.