July 4th, 2018 by
Colony of Ants Covered Two Streets in Seaside Town
Pest controllers have discovered a massive colony of over 1 million electric ants in the south coast town of Eastbourne, sparking fears the dangerous ants could be set to spread across the country. Electric ants (also known as Asian super ants) take their name from their attraction to electricity cables and junction boxes. They gather around this electrical equipment in huge numbers and can cause blackouts and even fires if the colony goes unchecked. Electric ants are native to Asia and southern Europe but were first discovered in the UK in 2009 after arriving via imported potted plants. Following the discovery of the UK’s largest ever electric ant colony in Eastbourne, experts have warned the ants could be adapting to the UK’s climate and may be set to spread further. The invading ants pose a huge threat to homes across the country but also to native insects as well, as their dominant colonies force out other species and damage the ecosystem. Their colonies can stretch for over 100 metres, while their underground nests can stretch for miles if several colonies connect up. It is not yet known why the ants are attracted to electrical equipment. One theory is that the ants are merely attracted to the warm, dry shelter provided by the inside of electrical equipment and sockets. Other experts believe the ants can detect electric currents. Apart from this behaviour, they are difficult to tell apart from common garden ants, although thankfully this means the same pest control measures will be effective against electric ant infestations.
How to Avoid Electric Ant Infestations
Electric ants haven’t spread beyond southeast England yet, but it is highly likely they will. Use ant bait stations around electrical equipment in your home, such as your fuse box, junction box, or transformers. This will provide the ants with poison-laced food, which they will take back to their colony. You should also combine ant bait stations with some powder around your junction box to mop up any remaining ants to ensure the colony does not return.
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