May 26th, 2020 by
Mobile phones are such a common part of everyday life that most of us don’t even think about how often we handle them. The average person touches their phone dozens of times a day, often without even realising it. We’ve all idly picked up our phone to check the time or take a quick photo, after all! It’s reasonable to expect a small number of bacteria to build up on your phone, but research has shown that many of us underestimate just how dirty our phones can get. So, just how much bacteria is on your phone right now, and is it something you should worry about?
How Much Bacteria is On Your Phone?
You might be surprised to learn how much bacteria builds up on your phone – and just how quickly it builds up. Scientists found that phones are home to ten times more bacteria than toilet seats. This sounds shocking, but it’s important to remember that toilet seats are regularly cleaned – your phone isn’t. You’ll also touch your phone countless times throughout the day, so any bacteria from your skin will naturally transfer onto your phone. However, is this really as dangerous as it sounds?
Is the Bacteria On Your Phone Dangerous?
Yes and no. Not all bacteria are harmful – in fact, our entire bodies are covered in a layer of bacteria that will naturally transfer onto your phone whenever you touch it. Our bodies know how to deal with these bacteria – some of them are even good for us – so they won’t make you ill. However, this doesn’t mean you should never worry about cleaning your phone. A lot of these bacteria provide food for mould spores, which can combine with skin cells and bits of dust to form a gunky residue inside your phone case.
It’s also worth remembering that we don’t live in perfectly hygienic rooms (as much as you might like to!). If you put your phone down in the bathroom or on your desk, it’ll end up covered in bacteria from those surfaces. If you’ve picked up some harmful bacteria – from touching raw chicken, say - and use your phone before you’ve washed your hands, your phone case could easily become a breeding ground for some more serious bacteria. And, of course, if someone else touches your phone, any bacteria or viruses that they might leave on it will now be your problem too.
Other Appliances and Surfaces
Of course, it’s not just your mobile that needs a clean from time to time. In the modern world, there are dozens of appliances and gadgets that we use every day, the worst being computer keyboards, mice, and TV remotes. This is because, unlike modern smartphones, they have actual buttons and keys, offering lots of tiny nooks and crannies for bacteria to breed in.
How to Sanitise Your Phone
It’s important to regularly sanitise your phone if you want to be sure there are no harmful bacteria or viruses lurking on it. To do this, use some alcohol surface sanitiser with a concentration of at least 70%. Pro-Kleen Alcohol Sanitising Spray is the best way to do this, as you can spray a little on a cloth and wipe your phone down. Sanitising wipes will also work, but they can often be soaked in a little too much sanitiser which isn’t great for cleaning sensitive electronics.
Pro-Kleen Alcohol Sanitiser Spray 400ml
Price: £10.99
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It’s important to look out for 70% sanitiser if you want to make sure your phone is fully disinfected. This is because most bacteria are protected by a sort of shell, and you need a strong 70% alcohol formula to break down that shell.
If you’re looking to clean up your keyboard, remote control, or other appliance like your light switch, you can use Pro-Kleen’s spray for that, too. It’s designed to be a multi-purpose spray, so it can sanitise any surface or appliance. Just spray it onto a cloth and wipe the surface down thoroughly.
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